[DAY040] What S V

🍀Today's Expression🍀 What S V


😊함께 알아두면 좋아요😊

· 명사를 'What S V'로 바꿔보기

· *This is the sad point. → This is what I was sad about.

· *after listening to his saying→ after listening to what he said.


🍀Question of the day🍀 'What S V'를 써서 문장 만들기.


[한 문장 영작]

I can’t believe it’s September already. Every year, I think what I done this year.

벌써 9월이라니 믿을 수가 없어. 매년 드는 생각이지만, 올해 뭘 한 걸까.


[챗GPT 수정 ver.]

·I can't believe it's already September already. Every year, I think about what I have done this year.

·I can't believe it's already September. It’s a thought I have every year, and this year I don’t know what I’ve done.